Saturday, February 9, 2013

Reviews, Progress, Our New Home

Hey you guys! It's been a minute hasn't it? Well. I am so sorry for the delay! On the 6th, we moved into our new place! How exciting right? I'm pretty excited. However, we don't have like... any furniture.. and we didn't have internet til today! So currently, I am on the floor typing this to you! It's a small sacrifice, and i'm not even mad. I would rather be in a house of my own and start being settled than be stuck in TLF still in a place that isn't mine.

Here are a few pics of the house, and etc:

Can I just tell you guys how much I love my crockpot? Best 20$ investment ever!! I have been cooking in it like every night! It's so easy.

My first crock pot experiance:

I got this off of course, Pinterest. Source <- I had been eye balling this recipe for awhile so as you could imagine I was very excited to try it. It only calls for 3 ingrediants too! So it's cheap!
You need chicken, Franks Red Hot Buffalo sauce, and a Ranch Seasonings Packet!
And of course if you need buns etc...

I let this cook on low for 3 hours.. took it out like it said, shredded it, put it back in the crockpot, shredded some more, stirred the sauce all in it.. Yum Yum Yum. My house smelled like delicious buffalo. One of my favorite scents. I got my hamburger buns, layed cheese on the bottom, along with some sliced tomato, put the buffalo chicken on top and poured ranch on top. So easy. This will definitely be an often dish in my home.

In other news, I'm not sure if I have talked about this here, but I have been on the road to fitness for the past 2 months! I am incredibly pleased with my results so far, and I can't wait to get better and better!

The two top right photos are from 12-15-12. I am pretty proud of myself, and have gotten such lovely feedback from everyone on Facebook and Instagram. It's been wonderful.

I bought a Polar FT 40 heart rate monitor watch and strap recently. Here is a photo of it.
(I took this today lol)


I LOVE THIS PRODUCT. So much. It is simple, I can keep an eye on my heart rate.. after its over and i'm able to see that beautiful number of how many calories I have burned, my cal. Fat percentage, and how long my gym session was. It also lets me see my AVG and MAX heart rate during my session and shows how long I Fat Burned or did Fitness. What a cool thing right?? I can also go back and check my weekly sessions and it gives me the totals for that week. This particular one was 100$ on Amazon. They have Polar FT7's at Bestbuy selling at 67$ to my current knowledge.
It is a great investment especially if you are getting fit! I will never ever workout without it ever again!

~I hope everyone has a great weekend!

xoxo Kayley

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